We are happy to comment on current issues in the public debate. We can convey reflections, analyses and also participate in all kinds of conversations and panel discussions.
Many of us in the network are journalists ourselves and are also happy to act as moderators or conversation and workshop leaders.
We are in the Press
June 02, 2020
Thomas Kent, a senior fellow of the Jamestown Foundation, mentions our work in this article about civil society activists in Europe that are becoming a powerful tool for fighting disinformation online.
June 02, 2020
Gretchen Miller, from the podcast show climactic, interviews Gabriel Morse – admin of #iamhere Australia about online activism and the #iamhere movement, specifically about the Australian group.
February 27, 2020
An article in the German newspaper Die Welt explains how our German group #ichbinhier operates. And there is proof that our work is effective, too, a study by the Düsseldorf Institute for Internet and Democracy supports.
Jan 04, 2020
An article about our Canadian members from #iamherecanada and their work to contain racist, homophobic, misogynistic, anti-Semitic or other hateful comments on Facebook.
Jan 17, 2020
An interview with the founder of our Canadian group #iamhereCanada, Alena Helgesson, about their work combatting hate speech on Facebook.
Aug 08, 2019
Radio Canada interviewed member Merwie Garzon from the French Canadian group #jesuislàCanada about what inspired her to join. Also, Mina Dennert talks about how she started a global movement.
June 20,, 2019
Protagon, from Greece, picked up the story from the BBC about Nina member of our German Group #ichbinhier and her fight against hate speech on social media.
June 7, 2019
We were interviewed by BBC Trending. This programme is about online defenders from across the globe, strategically combating trolls, hate speech and disinformation on Facebook.
10, June 2019
Nina, a member of our German group #ichbinhier, was interviewed by the BBC, about her fight against hate speech on social media .
June 10, 2019
FOX News also picked up the BBC story about our work combating hate speech on Facebook and our aim to change the overall tenor of conversations worldwide.
Aug. 11, 2019
IO Donna interviewed Italian member Lucia about her motivation to join the group and counter online hate that is frequently directed against women. How she counters offensive comments with kindness and supports the targets.
July. 22, 2019
German newspaper TAZ interviewed admin of #ichbinhier Alex Urban on why they have been fighting hate speech on Facebook since 2016
24, May 2019
The German Handelsblatt interviewed Philipp Kreißel, Data Analyist for our German group #ichbinhier for their report the elections for the European Parliament and the fear of manipulation through social media.
22, March 2019
Blogger Maicolengel Butac interviewed the founder of the Italian group #iosonoqui Anna Ceruti and talked about what motivated her to get the group started.
Feb 18, 2019
Le Figaro reports about our French-speaking group #jesuislà and their fight against fake news and preconceived ideas that are flooding the web.
Jan 23, 2019
Zeit Magazin interviewed the founder of the German group #ichbinhier, Hannes Ley about his dream of schools training students about how communication works online; that law enforcement will improve online; and that politicians will finally understand how the internet works.
The full article is subscription only.
Jan 15, 2019
The Guardian talked to Mina Dennert, the founder of our movement, about how #jagärhär started and how the group works.